Multi-Pitch Course

The multi-pitch course is an intermediate-level course focused on the fundamentals of multi-pitch trad climbing. Throughout the two days of hands-on learning, you will gain the experience necessary to efficiently climb hundreds of feet off the ground and get back down safely.

The multi-pitch course is designed as a two-day course to facilitate learning skills and then applying them on a multi-pitch climb with the mentorship of an experienced guide.

Participants are required to have prior experience leading sport climbs, however, we recommend that you have experience leading on traditional gear prior to the course.

Skills taught in this course: 

  1. Multi-pitch preparation and strategy

  2. Basic anchor building

  3. Belaying a follower

  4. Transitioning leaders

  5. Rope management

  6. Multiple rappelling techniques

  7. Basic improvised self-rescue

Duration: 1 days

Max climber-to-guide ratio: 2:1

Location options: Broughton Bluff, Beacon Rock, or Smith Rock

Gear List